In Mordor`s neighbourhood

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The Tongariro Crossing in the central north island attracts on a nice day 700 people. Amongst them, as we were to find out, were some who didn’t completely realise what 20 kilometers tramp with 700 vertical meters meant. We being … Continued

Smogfree Beijing

posted in: Allgemein | 1

It only took us three hours to get out of the airport in Beijing. 6 o`clock in the morning is definitely not the best time to arrive in China`s capital city…. Very soon it became clear to us, that English … Continued

Croissant et café

posted in: Allgemein | 0

In Paris haben wir dann so richtig schön gemütlich viel Zeit um einen anständigen ersten Blogeintrag zu schreiben. Das wär nämlich ein gutter Plan gewesen, den so einen Blog muss von Anfang an gefallen- solange Ihr euch noch an uns … Continued

See you later

posted in: Allgemein | 0

It s coming closer- the 25th– the day when we start our adventure. Boxes are packed, our schedule tight and our departure only a blink away. Thanks for coming to our good bye party! We hope you enjoyed- we surely … Continued