Wet and cold days

posted in: Allgemein | 0

Two weekends of wet weather forced us to rethink our plans.  Grand ideas of mountain passes, DOC huts and well earned beers got swapped out for rainy paths close to Dunedin. The only hut was the living room which was just about as warm but without the charm. And a beer was earned after putting 5 parts of a1000 piece puzzle together.


  • Chickens
  • Downhill butt ice skating (with bike)
  • Snow (Plotsch)
  • Cooking….

10 minutes out of town, short walk down and through a tunnel to Tunnel Beach


Dunedin Chicken show, worth 5 minutes national prime time news in NZ.

Ross Creek, also close to Dunedin. Up to the snowy peaks of the Swampy Ridge.

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